
The University of Toronto ChemE Car Design Team is a multidisciplinary design team where undergraduate engineering students work collaboratively on designing and constructing a small car model. The car may only rely on chemical energy sources to safely carry a specified load over a given distance and stop. After a fully functioning car has been constructed and tested, the team travels to the United States to compete in the AIChE (American Institute for Chemical Engineers) Chem-E-Car Regional Competition™ against other universities. Upon qualification, the team competes against the best universities internationally at the Annual Student Conference.

We will be competing for the first time in the 2017 Regional Competition.


Our mission is comprised of two parts:

  1. Provide chemical engineers an avenue to gain hands-on experience in a safe laboratory setting, and apply theoretical concepts to solve real word problems.
  2. Offer engineering students a true multidisciplinary experience where the expertise of individual disciplines must be combined to accomplish a common goal


Creating a true multidisciplinary learning environment that promotes professional and technical development of engineering students


University of Toronto ChemE Car Design Team plans to compete in the NorthEastern Regional Chem-E-Car Competition for the first time in March, 2017. To know more about the nature of the competition, watch this video. In order to get involved with our team, and participate in our endeavours, please contact our HR Manager, Sarah Moasser at xxx.